How to care for your mouth after “tooth extracted” that you should know

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Going to a dental clinic to have a tooth extracted can be a nightmare for many people because they are afraid of the dentist. But the nightmare can be worse if after having a tooth extracted, you do not take good care of your oral health as you should. Especially after having a tooth extracted, it is necessary to take good care of your oral health because there can be an infection in the wound after tooth extraction. Today, Hello Doctor has methods for taking care of your oral health after tooth extraction to share.

Why do you need to have your teeth extracted?

Almost all of our baby teeth will eventually fall out and be replaced by new teeth, which we call permanent teeth. Some people’s teeth may fall out easily on their own, while others may need help from a dentist to extract them.

There are many reasons for tooth extraction. The most common cause is tooth decay. If the tooth decay is minor at first, the dentist may recommend a filling. However, if the tooth decay is severe, the dentist may recommend tooth extraction.

In addition to tooth decay, before braces, it may be necessary to extract some teeth before starting the braces or orthodontics process. Moreover, tooth extraction may be caused by infection. Because the decayed teeth are not treated or fixed, they are at risk of infection in the decayed teeth. Which may eventually spread to the tooth root, causing the tooth to be extracted. To prevent the infection from spreading to the gums Or risk other oral diseases Including having wisdom teeth, สมัคร ufabet it may be necessary to consider extracting them as well.

How to care for your mouth after tooth extraction

After the painful minutes of tooth extraction are over, it’s time for you to prepare for the after-effects of tooth extraction. You can use the following self-care methods for your mouth after tooth extraction:

  1. Take pain relievers as prescribed by your dentist.
  2. Bite firmly on the gauze for about 1-3 hours or until the bleeding stops.
  3. The gauze should be removed before going to bed to prevent swallowing the gauze while sleeping or risking choking.
  4. Apply ice for only 10 minutes at a time. Do not apply for longer than that, as this may worsen the tissue in the area.
  5. Do not rinse your mouth or spit out saliva for the first 24 hours after tooth extraction because it risks causing the bleeding to not stop.
  6. After 24 hours, you can rinse your mouth and gargle. It is recommended to use salt water to rinse your mouth.

What to do after tooth extraction

  • After tooth extraction, you should eat soft or liquid foods that require little chewing, such as porridge or rice soup.
  • Brush your teeth gently.
  • Avoid brushing the area where the tooth was recently extracted. Rinse your mouth with salt water.

Things to avoid after tooth extraction

  • Avoid drinking water through a straw, as drinking water through a straw can increase the risk of blood clots.
  • Avoid drinking hot drinks as it may increase the risk of the wound swelling.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol because it can cause the bleeding to stop and may delay healing of the tooth extraction wound.
  • Do not smoke, as smoking can cause blood clots to break and cause pain or soreness in the tooth socket.

When should you see a doctor?

See your doctor right away if you experience any of the following symptoms after tooth extraction:

  • After 1-2 days, there is still pain in the area where the tooth was extracted, even after taking painkillers.
  • The bleeding doesn’t stop.
  • There is swelling around the tooth extraction wound.
  • Bumps or rashes develop after taking painkillers