Eggs nutritional value for children.

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Dr. Sathit Pitutecha the Deputy Minister of Public Health revealed that. Eggs are a source of high-quality protein, easily available and suitable for all genders and ages. As well as a source of many minerals and vitamins. Whether it is iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, vitamin E, vitamin D, folate, lecithin, lutein, Zeaxanthin and choline that are beneficial to the body.

In which one egg provides 80 kcal of energy and contains the best quality protein with higher absorption efficiency than other foods. Which contains 9 essential amino acids to support the growth and functioning of the nervous system stimulate brain function enhance concentration and memory. The Ministry of Public Health would like to encourage people to “Eat eggs every day, eat well for all ages”. UFABET

Especially school-aged children eat eggs every day. Along with drinking 2 glasses of milk a day and encouraging children to exercise daily for 60 minutes. Or at least 5 days a week for children to grow to their full potential, strong and smart. Because of the survey data on food consumption behavior of the population in 2017 by the National Statistical Office found that only 23.7 percent of school age groups consume eggs every day.